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Fareed Zakaria begins Age of Revolutions by observing how little political strategies have changed since ancient times. In 64 BCE, Cicero’s younger brother advised his sibling to run for office using the following tactics. He stated, “Promise everything to everyone, always be seen in public surrounded by your most passionate supporters, and remind voters of your opponents’ sex scandals” (1). Despite the continuity of such ploys, modern politics is characterized by a polarizing shift between the philosophies of the Right and Left. The author emphasizes that “[o]n the left, [there is] a stronger state with more economic regulation and redistribution” while “on the right, [there is] a freer market with less governmental intervention” (2).
While the Left might be defined as liberal and the Right as conservative, extremists in each camp now have a tendency to promote their cause using identical tactics, in which the end justifies the means. The author asserts that radical change inevitably leads to radical backlash and that conservatives, frightened by the speed of progress, long for an idealized, golden past in which they can feel safe. They also fear the notion of revolution. Ironically, the word “revolution” can apply to the agendas of both the Right and the Left. Zakaria points out that revolution has a dual definition. In its usual sense, it means a radical overthrow of the existing order. In its earliest sense, it meant a return to a point of origin, as in the case of planets revolving around the sun. Both of these meanings speak to the conflict between those who want to move into the future and those who want to return to the past.
The United States holds a unique position and can influence the future direction of other nations. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the country became the sole global superpower and spread the American ideals of liberalism and democracy across the planet. As the author states, “First we see broad structural changes—tremendous advances in technology and accelerations of economic activity and globalization. These disruptions trigger another significant shift—in identity” (14). However, the speed at which an identity change occurs can also create a negative reaction and provoke a backlash. Zakaria concludes, “It is important to appreciate the organic nature of society, which can absorb only so much disruption without being torn apart. But at the end of the day, there is only one plausible path in the long run: forward” (18).
Zakaria shifts the focus of the discussion to a very quiet revolution in the Netherlands that began in the late 1500s. He observes that unlike the Dutch’s bellicose neighbors, they did not build their nation’s fortunes on expansionist conquests and the exploitation of more land for agriculture. (The Netherlands offered little incentive for farming because the land was prone to flooding, and much of it needed to be reclaimed from the sea regularly.) Instead, the Dutch depended on banking, trade, and technological innovation to increase their prosperity, and they also rejected the notion of monarchy as the best form of political organization and instead built “the earliest flourishing of classical liberalism anywhere in the West” (25-26).
The author also observes that a parallel pattern began centuries earlier in the similarly swampy lowlands of 12th-century Venice, where the greatest opportunities for wealth lay in sea trade. Like the Dutch, the Venetians elected their leaders, but the city-state unfortunately fell victim to greed and corruption over time. In 1297, its government was supplanted by noblemen intent on establishing a hereditary monarchy. Subsequently, Portugal led the way during the age of exploration by charting a new course to expand European trade networks around the globe.
By the 16th century, the Dutch were poised to take advantage of this global trend. The little country implemented a decentralized form of government, and the land, such as it was, never belonged to the nobility, remaining instead “a collection of towns,” while the Dutch remained “an urban people in an age when most of Europe was rural” (33).
The technological innovation required to wrest land back from the sea also led to other innovations in ship design and commerce. Furthermore, the Protestant Reformation led to ideological changes throughout Europe, and Holland became a refuge for religious dissenters who wanted to avoid persecution. The free flow of ideas in Holland encouraged further innovations that fed the economy.
As the country continued its liberal policies, this trend provoked a backlash amongst its conservative citizenry. The author states that “[a]s the Dutch economy ballooned, liberal ideas and practices powered the nation forward but destabilized it internally. The pace of change was so fast that many people simply wanted a return to normalcy” (47). The democratic Dutch also posed a threat to the surrounding monarchies, and in 1672, Louis XIV sent an army to subdue the Netherlands. Although he won the war, he made the fatal error of leaving William of Orange in charge of the country afterward. This decision would lead to another type of revolution in England a few years later.
Unlike its European neighbors, England had taken the first steps away from an absolute monarchy during the Middle Ages, when the Magna Carta guaranteed limited rights to the nobility and held the king accountable to them. A few centuries later, the nobility realized that commerce might be a better way of securing wealth than owning large estates. As more land became dedicated to sheep grazing for the sake of wool production, the rural peasant class migrated to urban areas, changing the country’s demographic balance. Unfortunately, however, the religious antagonism between Catholic and Protestant factions played a decisive role in destabilizing the rulership of the country. During the 1600s, England went from a monarchy to a commonwealth and back again.
When the Catholic James II tried to claim the crown, he was forced to flee the country, and Parliament declared his abdication, after which his Protestant daughter, Mary, and her Dutch husband, William, became co-rulers of England in 1688. Their arrival was known as the Glorious Revolution because it did not result in a copious amount of bloodshed. Significantly, Parliament granted them their power, resulting in Britain’s first limited constitutional monarchy. As the author notes, “After 1688, England reached a final settlement, adopting a Goldilocks form of government, neither too rigid nor too chaotic, that catapulted the nation into its position of global dominance and remade the world” (51-52). England then entered into a period of growth through the cooperation of liberals and conservatives, for both factions were ready to reject the religious extremism that preceded the Glorious Revolution, forming instead a “bipartisan escape from dangerous polarization” (62).
Both Whigs and Tories were focused on economic prosperity rather than on wars of territorial expansion or religious fanaticism. The newly tolerant attitude of the British attracted collaboration from Dutch merchants and financiers, thereby putting an end to “the medieval world” (66). At this point, “[v]alue began to be measured in pounds and shillings rather than noble rank and religious purity” (66). While the British navy became the most powerful force on the seas, its ships were primarily employed to guarantee the safety of its merchant fleet. Ironically, as England continued to expand, the Netherlands retrenched and began indulging in protectionist policies to safeguard its own parochial interests. This practice echoed the Venetian failure of a few centuries earlier. When viewed from a broader perspective, both the Dutch and the English revolutions were successful because they grew organically rather than being mandated from above. However, the same could not be said of France in 1789.
Age of Revolutions reflects a distinct two-part structure. The first part discusses revolutions occurring between the 16th century and the 21st century. By contrast, the second part delves into ongoing revolutions in economics, technology, and identity that still have widespread effects today. This two-part structure echoes other polarities that the author foregrounds, such as past and future, conservative and liberal, open and closed, or progress and backlash. While the book’s structure is designed to analyze contrasting antagonistic forces, Zakaria approaches his material with a view toward the reconciliation of opposites. The best example of this tendency is his definition of the word “revolution.” While the word immediately conjures images of radical change, its oldest meaning implies a movement around a fixed starting point. As the author asserts:
It is strange that we use the word ‘revolution’ to describe radical, abrupt, sometimes violent change in society. In science, where the word was first used, it means something else entirely. Revolution, in its original definition, is the steady movement of a body around a fixed axis. (6)
By emphasizing this dual definition of the concept of revolution, Zakaria introduces his stance toward the book’s material as a whole. While his political perspective might be classified as centrist or classical liberal, he tries to approach conservatism and even the more radical forms of populism with tolerance. The author also advises endeavoring to understand the perspective of those who take an opposing view of change, conceding that change itself can be frightening to those whom the ravages of revolution has trampled. As Zakaria admits, “Those left behind deserve more help than they are getting” (18). This tempered approach is more than mere virtue signaling on the author’s part, for he pragmatically recognizes the danger of dismissing the needs of opposing factions. Thus, he asserts that revolutionary backlash can be diminished or intensified by the level to which the needs of the opposition are met or ignored.
The book’s first segment essentially lays out this core argument and presents an overview of the Left-versus-Right dynamic that gives rise to revolution and resistance. This discussion foregrounds the book’s central theme of the Cycles of Progress and Backlash. To this end, these initial chapters examine two early examples of revolutions that were conducted well and resulted in economic prosperity and greater financial independence for the Dutch and the English. Zakaria’s examination of the Dutch Revolution of the 16th century hinges on the three core concepts of economics, innovation, and community identity, all of which will factor into his treatment of each of the revolutions to follow. The Dutch developed a democratic political system, created innovative techniques in shipbuilding to give their merchant fleet a global advantage, and demonstrated a degree of ideological tolerance that allowed various religions to flourish, contributing to the free flow of ideas. Thus, for Zakaria, the Dutch represent the pinnacle of revolutionary success before the modern age. He paints a similarly glowing picture of England during its bloodless coup, the Glorious Revolution. As with his discussion of the Netherlands, the author focuses on the geographical and political features that made England an optimal environment for innovation and political freedom. As he states, “After 1688, England reached a final settlement, adopting a Goldilocks form of government, neither too rigid nor too chaotic, that catapulted the nation into its position of global dominance and remade the world” (51-52).
In addition to examining the positive aspects of the cycle of progress, Zakaria also studies the backlash phenomenon that led to the end of the Dutch revolution. Internally, the excessively rapid rate of social change caused many conservatives to long for a return to quieter times. Thus, the Dutch government began to engage in protectionist tactics in order to keep its innovations out of the hands of foreigners, and ironically, this champion of free trade began to follow in the footsteps of its failed predecessor, Venice. In this segment, Zakaria uses these historical examples to demonstrate the lifecycle of a revolution, proving that both progress and backlash are part of that cycle. In the next section, he will go on to analyze the degree to which the negative aspects can run out of control.