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Fareed ZakariaA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The French Revolution presents a stark contrast to the social changes that occurred earlier in the Netherlands and in Britain. In 1789, the bankrupt Louis XVI called a meeting of the country’s dormant parliament. Rather than agreeing to fund the king’s extravagant lifestyle, the delegates demanded social reforms and a written constitution. Matters quickly got out of hand when a frustrated populace, long deprived of a political voice, roamed the streets of Paris in mobs. The Marquis de Lafayette, a hero of the American Revolution, tried to quell the violence and guide the nation to moderate reform.
Meanwhile, neighboring monarchies grew alarmed at the uprising and invaded France, and the revolutionaries responded by executing the king and his family. Extremist ideologues such as Maximilien Robespierre then seized control of the revolution and accused their political opponents of being traitors. This development launched the Reign of Terror, which resulted in mass slaughter. While the charismatic general Napoleon Bonaparte succeeded in driving the invaders out of France, he then went on to conquer adjoining countries and declare himself emperor.
Zakaria uses Lafayette, Robespierre, and Napoleon to illustrate the consequences of a revolution that is externally imposed rather than organically grown. As he asserts, “In these three lives, we can see the revolution’s failed liberalism, radical populism, and final transformation into authoritarian nationalism” (79). He therefore contends that the critical difference in the failure or success of a revolution lies in the character of a nation, noting that unlike the Netherlands and Britain, France did not have a long-standing tradition of liberalism. Instead, its rulers were absolute monarchs who presided over a country of peasant farmers, and France itself was “a deeply traditional, rural, religious, and aristocratic society—into which the revolutionaries poured a more modern, urban, secular, and republican spirit” (87).
While the Dutch and the English had been engaged in trade and commerce during their respective revolutions, the French worked the land. A huge gap therefore existed between the aristocratic rich and the peasant poor, and the middle class was nonexistent. Ironically, the French peasants were skeptical of reform, even when it was intended to improve their lives. They saw the church and state as stabilizing elements in their world, while the revolutionaries offered nothing but confusion. As Zakaria notes, “In many ways the French Revolution was, as Margaret Thatcher termed it, ‘a Utopian attempt to overthrow a traditional order … in the name of abstract ideas, formulated by vain intellectuals’” (92).
France’s attempt to defend itself from foreign aggressors did succeed in cultivating a strong sense of national identity. Napoleon’s eventual defeat resulted in a backlash from other European monarchs who were intent on keeping liberalism out of their realms. This was particularly true of Austrian chancellor Metternich’s overreaction to the threat of revolution within his borders. Zakaria observes that “Metternich’s era revealed how a disproportionate fear of revolution can create a deadening counterrevolution that seeks to stifle any kind of democratic movement in the cradle” (100).
Despite the Glorious Revolution of 1688, Britain’s real emergence as a world power only occurred in the 19th century with the advent of the steam engine and industrialization. Even as poets and essayists bemoaned the loss of an agrarian world, coal mines employed thousands of workers and powered factories and railroads. Zakaria also notes that the lot of rural peasants prior to industrialization was hardly the paradise that was romanticized in fiction. The former peasant class gravitated to life in the big cities because it offered them a higher wage and fixed work hours. While factory conditions were hardly ideal, they were far less of a contrast to the subsistence farming that had previously enslaved people to the land. Furthermore, working for wages in a factory created disposable income that might be spent on leisure pursuits, thereby creating “the lifestyle we now associate with the global middle class” (114).
The status of women also improved. Working in textiles had always been considered a female pursuit, but working in a textile factory offered women an independent income and facilitated the women’s liberation movement, which was “set in motion by industrialization, [the] greatest economic revolution” (117). However, while economic growth continued unabated, political reform was slow to catch up. The landed gentry in the House of Lords wanted to maintain traditional privileges and resisted attempts to grant more rights to the working class. Protests and riots by the lower orders eventually won concessions, but the struggle would continue for decades. Ultimately, the protests of the working class failed to become a full-blown revolution because the standard of living was so high compared to that of other European countries.
One of the chief by-products of industrialization was the switch between the agendas of the conservative Tories and liberal Whigs. The Whigs would abandon laissez-faire capitalism, while the Tories adopted it. As Zakaria states, “The meaning of liberalism itself had changed. The left had kept its social progressivism but abandoned its enthusiasm for unfettered industrialization” (134). Even as progress was being made on the fronts of economic and social welfare, identity politics continued to plague the nation. The gulf dividing Catholics and Protestants grew wider over time. During this same period, the British empire reached its apex, with many questioning the cost of managing its far-flung holdings. While Britain was worrying about its colonies to the east, it failed to notice the industrial rise of its former colonies in America.
The American Revolution of 1776 did not constitute the kind of revolution discussed in this book; it did not represent an ideological shift. Instead, it was an attempt to limit government overreach on the part of the British crown. As Zakaria asserts, “America did not need a great social revolution to overcome feudalism; it simply never imported these relics of the Old World in the first place” (143). Industrialization in America was also stimulated by the Civil War, for the urban North gained an influx of immigrants to work in its factories, while the agricultural South failed to exploit the same resources and remained mired in an economy dependent on enslavement.
While American goods found their way overseas, industrialization in the United States grew exponentially at the turn of the 20th century, at which time “petroleum replace[d] coal as society’s main source fuel, and the automobile displaced the train” (160-61). American economic growth spurred the need for social reform, but socialism itself never caught on in America. The class conflict that characterized European society was never felt in the United States because feudalism had never become entrenched there.
During the period of rapid industrial growth, America followed Britain in the way that its two major political parties swapped their ideologies. Right after the Civil War, Democrats in the South were the champions of states’ rights, principally because they did not want the federal government to interfere in the enactment of the oppressive Jim Crow laws that were designed to suppress the Black population. Conversely, Republicans were concerned with building a national infrastructure, and they needed a strong central government to manage such tasks.
A populist movement briefly gained prominence because of the debate over gold versus silver as the standard for American currency. William Jennings Bryan gave voice to the concerns of rural populations whose values were not in line with America’s robber barons. As Zakaria notes, “Bryan’s own later career would show how America’s homegrown anti-elite populism, unlike European socialism, drew much of its strength from those who saw their traditional values as threatened by modernity” (155). As the economic interests of Democrats and Republicans shifted with the dawn of the new century, centrists in either party became rarer. Theodore Roosevelt was the last Republican who sought to curb the monopolistic tendencies of big corporations, for “[t]he coming century of American life would be largely defined by political warfare between the Right, championing laissez-faire dynamism, and the Left, championing social security and stability” (160).
By the time that Franklin Roosevelt became president during the Great Depression, party identities had switched and became entrenched, with the Democrats becoming both “the critics of laissez-faire economics” and “the champions of the welfare state” and giving rise to “ferocious pushback from the other side of the aisle” (164). Zakaria also observes that the current era is bringing another shift to these political polarities, for “[t]he recent rise of a new populism has led new issues and new divides to seep into politics everywhere” (165). The reasons for this most recent shift will be the subject of Part Two of Age of Revolutions.
The book’s second segment continues to examine the repercussions of past revolutions. However, the focus in this set of chapters highlights the contrast between revolutions that have a positive outcome and those that do not, engaging in a detailed discussion of The Effect of Beneficial Versus Detrimental Revolutions. The book’s first segment presented two cases highlighting model revolutions with limited backlash, and Zakaria presented the Dutch model as the benchmark for the rest. Similarly, the bloodless coup of Britain’s Glorious Revolution was only made possible by the organic growth of democracy in both Britain and the Netherlands.
As a contrast to those initial examples, this segment of the book turns its attention to the badly managed French Revolution. While this event began with the liberal intention of freeing the people and giving them a stake in their own government, France was not remotely like the two preceding revolutionary success stories, for it had no long-standing democratic traditions. Instead, France adhered closely to the model of most European monarchies, in which a king held absolute power over the lives of his subjects. Similarly, the landed gentry behaved as petty monarchs within their own domains, using the peasant class to farm their lands and refraining from significant trade with other countries. Unlike the Netherlands, France had no large urban centers other than Paris itself. Consequently, the peasant population lived in rural areas and remained supportive of the traditional way of life that had been handed down to them for centuries. Politically, the nation’s aristocrats and clergy had very little say in the monarch’s decision-making process, and commoners were excluded from politics altogether. When revolution came to France, the preceding set of adverse conditions virtually guaranteed a wildly detrimental outcome. The author emphasizes the violent nature of this particular example of social upheaval, stating, that “[t]he French Revolution was […] an actual bloody reality, as radical ideologues forced rapid and drastic change onto an antiquated society […] with seismic consequences” (71).
Zakaria therefore emphasizes the fact that France’s revolution was mandated from the top down, for fanatical idealists forced their philosophy of universal liberty onto a population that was still not ready to accept it. As a result, the moderate liberalism of the Marquis de Lafayette gave way to the zealotry of Robespierre, and even this approach was supplanted by the violently imperial ambitions of Napoleon Bonaparte. Thus, France was unable to find its balance politically for another hundred years after these turbulent times. Zakaria uses France as an example of how revolutions ought not to be conducted, stressing that this historical period “shows the danger of revolution imposed by political leaders, rather than growing naturally out of broad social, economic, and technological changes” (73-74).
In contrast, the rest of this segment examines two successful industrial revolutions; the first was in Britain, and the second was in America. While Britain’s earlier Glorious Revolution highlighted the nation’s democratic political principles, the Industrial Revolution displayed the ingenuity of the country’s inventors. Rail travel and the rise of factories contributed to the prosperity of a growing middle class. A parallel situation prevailed in the United States after the Civil War. For the first time in history, people of modest means could travel and enjoy leisure activities and small luxuries thanks to an active trade network.
As these two countries paralleled one another in their industrial achievements, they also developed parallel liberal and conservative ideologies. Paradoxically, those who championed change and those who opposed it swapped places when it came to economics. This peculiar switch foregrounds the theme of Cycles of Progress and Backlash. In Britain, the liberal Whigs, formerly devoted to laissez-faire capitalism, recoiled. Conversely, the conservative Tories championed free-market enterprise and as Zakaria observes, “The meaning of liberalism itself had changed. The left had kept its social progressivism but abandoned its enthusiasm for unfettered industrialization” (134). In America, Democrats wanted more government regulation, while Republicans wanted laissez-faire capitalism even though they had previously been opposed to such policies. Ultimately, however, the most important observation that Zakaria wishes to make about the revolutions in Britain and America is the degree to which economic considerations came to dictate political positions. “Every advanced industrial country today combines capitalism with most of the welfare state measures advocated by the social democratic parties of Europe and the United States in the early 1900s” (165). In the process, the community identities of Right and Left were set in stone.