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Louisa May AlcottA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
“Phebe stopped rattling her beans from one pan to another, and her eyes were full of pity as they rested on the curly head bent down on Rose’s knee, for she saw that the heart under the pretty locket ached with its loss, and the dainty apron was used to dry sadder tears than any she had ever shed.”
The sentimental tone of the third-person narration of Rose’s state of grief from Phebe’s point of view heightens the emotionality of the start of the two girls’ friendship. The personification of the necklace as aching with grief conveys the pain of young Rose’s burdens, as she is physically carrying around the loss of both her parents. Alcott’s sentimentalism emphasizes the importance of feelings over reason, a convention of humanist and transcendental philosophy as demonstrated by Phebe’s prioritization of Rose’s individual plight over systemic class differences. Deep feeling was a signal of a character’s morality in 19th-century literature.
“‘I shall have to see them some time, but I do dread it so.’ And Rose gave a shudder, for, having lived alone with her invalid father, she knew nothing of boys, and considered them a species of wild animal.”
The comparison of Rose’s seven boy cousins to “a species of wild animal” metaphorically conveys Rose’s fear of men and her naivety and inexperience at the beginning of the novel. Rose’s lack of understanding of others is connected to her cloistered lifestyle with her “invalid father,” highlighting the Parenting Styles and Their Impacts.
“But the ‘delicate little creter’ seemed all the better for her trip, and ran up the steps looking rosy, gay, and disheveled, to be received with lamentation by Aunt Plenty, who begged her to go and lie down at once.”
Alcott uses a mocking tone to criticize the view of Rose as “delicate” in contrast with her physique as “rosy.” The novel continually juxtaposes Rose’s robustness after participating in the physical exploits of her boy cousins with her ill health caused by extended repose. This draws attention to Parenting Styles and Their Impacts on children’s development, emphasizing that Rose’s late father and many of the aunts do Rose harm by emphasizing fashion, restricted activity, and propriety over physiological fitness.
“So sweet, so real was the dream, that she started up with a cry of joy to find herself in the arms of a brown, bearded man, who held her close, and whispered in a voice so like her father’s that she clung to him involuntarily, ‘This is my little girl, and I am Uncle Alec.’”
The use of aural imagery of Rose’s “cry of joy” and Uncle Alec’s soft voice creates a sentimental portrait of their relationship, immediately portraying an intimate parent-child bond. However, Uncle Alec’s closeness with Rose and his active role in her education and development reflects the conventions of a mother and child bond from a 19th-century perspective. The diction of the verb “cling” and “involuntarily” suggests a young child’s instinctual desire for closeness with their mother.
“Not a bit of it; that’s just what you need, for you’ve been molly-coddled too much. They are good lads, and you’ll be mixed up with them more or less for years to come, so you may as well be friends and playmates at once. I will look you up some girls also, if I can find a sensible one who is not spoilt by her nonsensical education.”
Uncle Alec’s derisive tone when describing young women as “molly-coddled” and “spoilt” by a “nonsensical education” reflects the novel’s criticism of 19th-century women’s education and its thematic exploration of The “Real” Versus “Ideal” Woman. Uncle Alec’s focus on “sensibility” and practical knowledge for women is demonstrated as superior to the education of passive, fashionable, and artistically accomplished women restricted from other pursuits, which was the dominant view at the time.
“‘Aunt Myra says I have no constitution, and never shall be strong,’ observed Rose, in a pensive tone, as if it was rather a nice thing to be an invalid.”
Rose’s passivity and obedience are highlighted at the beginning of the novel through her parroting of what her boarding mistress and aunts have instructed her is correct feminine behavior. Rose’s lack of control in her own life is symbolized by her poor physical health and crystallized through her vague way of speaking. As she grows stronger physically and mentally, she begins to express her own opinions and ideas and even defies her aunts, signaling that she has adopted Uncle Alec’s view of womanhood.
“My child, I don’t expect you to love and trust me all at once, but I do want you to believe that I shall give my whole heart to this new duty; and if I make mistakes, as I probably shall, no one will grieve over them more bitterly than I. It is my fault that I am a stranger to you, when I want to be your best friend. That is one of my mistakes, and I never repented it more deeply than I do now.”
Uncle Alec’s willingness to admit his faults contributes to his sympathetic characterization. He is a man of deep feeling, shown through his high emotionality when he says that he will “give his whole heart to this duty.” This signals his moral nature and thus suggests his ability to parent well. To “repent” is a Christian practice, aligning his character with the dominant religion of 19th-century America and indicating that he is spiritually pure.
“Her only salvation was trying to fix her attention upon Uncle Mac, a portly, placid gentleman, who seemed entirely unconscious of the iniquities of the Clan, and dozed peacefully in his pew corner. This was the only uncle Rose had met for years, for Uncle Jem and Uncle Steve, the husbands of Aunt Jessie and Aunt Clara, were at sea, and Aunt Myra was a widow. Uncle Mac was a merchant, very rich and busy, and as quiet as a mouse at home, for he was in such a minority among the women folk he dared not open his lips, and let his wife rule undisturbed.”
Alcott’s characterization of Rose’s other uncles, apart from Uncle Alec, is conventional: Fathers often worked far from home and were not very involved in raising the children. The contrast between Uncle Mac as “very rich and busy” in the public sphere, but “quiet as a mouse” in the domestic sphere, highlights the strict gender roles that governed behavior for wealthy people at the time.
“That is what I want you to do, and when you have filled this out we will go on enlarging it till your waist is more like that of Hebe, goddess of health, and less like that of a fashion-plate the ugliest thing imaginable.”
The allusion to the mythological goddess Hebe, who is a goddess of eternal youth, elevates the idea of healthiness to a sacred level, reflecting its supreme importance in Uncle Alec’s image of the “real” woman. Hebe’s sacred animal is the hen, the bird to which Rose is compared when she acts motherly.
“If you dear little girls would only learn what real beauty is, and not pinch and starve and bleach yourselves out so, you’d save an immense deal of time and money and pain. A happy soul in a healthy body makes the best sort of beauty for man or woman. Do you understand that, my dear?”
The vivid imagery of the list “pinch and starve and bleach” conveys the visceral experience of women’s treatment of their bodies to achieve a beauty standard. The opposing list of “time and money and pain” highlights the burden of the beauty process and its cost. The reference to a “happy soul” reflects Uncle Alec’s belief in spiritual beauty and physiological health, which is genderless. Through Uncle Alec’s beliefs, the novel critiques the practice of prescribed behaviors and standards by gender.
“‘[A]nd cried because no one was ever so good to me before, and I couldn’t help it. As for patronizing, you may walk on me if you want to, and I won’t mind,’ said Phebe, in a burst of gratitude, for the words, ‘we are sisters’ went straight to her lonely heart and nestled there.”
Rose’s kindness to Phebe in deciding to adopt her and treat her as a sister reflects The Development of Moral Consciousness under the guidance of Uncle Alec, as she is emulating his charitable guardianship of herself after her father’s death. The growth of the relationship between Rose and Phebe mirrors Uncle Alec and Rose’s relationship, which is portrayed as one of maturation as each “guardian” figure grows in their role as carer for someone else, and the “mentee” becomes educated in different ways. The impact on Phebe is shown through the sentimental description of Rose’s promise of sisterhood as a cat-like creature that “nestled” in Phebe’s heart, indicating the warmth of her regard for her new “guardian.”
“The great horns skirmished about her as if to toss her to the ceiling; the war clubs hurtled over her head as if to annihilate her; an amazing medley from the four quarters of the globe filled her lap, and seven excited boys all talked to her at once.”
The action verbs “skirmished,” “hurtled,” “toss,” and “annihilate” convey the boisterous energy of Rose’s seven cousins in comparison to her staid character. Throughout the novel, Rose becomes more and more active as she engages in play with her cousins, and Alcott adopts an animated and playful tone when describing them. The characterization of the boys through the use of military jargon and the language of soldiership, such as “war clubs” and “skirmished,” reflect constructions of masculinity contextualized by the recent American Civil War (1861-1865) during which Alcott volunteered as a nurse.
“While she waited for her funny new friend, she improved her mind in a way that would have charmed Aunt Jane. The gentlemen were talking over all sorts of things, and she listened attentively, storing up much of what she heard, for she had an excellent memory, and longed to distinguish herself by being able to produce some useful information when reproached with her ignorance.”
The third-person omniscient narration of Rose’s thoughts reflects her experience of the trials of girlhood. She is presumed by society to be frivolous and “empty-headed” due to women’s lack of access to a well-rounded academic education, but she listens carefully to “distinguish” herself in male society. Even Aunt Jane, characterized in the novel as distracted by her feminine housekeeping duties, is revealed through this omniscient insight to wish to better understand the world of men and not remain unknowledgeable.
“‘I shall take care of things till you are of age, but I mean that you shall know how your property is managed, and do as much of it as you can by and by; then you won’t be dependent on the honesty of other people.’
‘Gracious me! as if I wouldn’t trust you with millions of billions if I had them,’ cried Rose, scandalized at the mere suggestion.”
Rose’s attitude of being “scandalized” by Uncle Alec’s suggestion that she understand her own finances reflects contemporary paradigms, in which women generally were prohibited from owning or running their own estates and lacked opportunities for financial independence. Uncle Alec is characterized in the novel as a free thinker whose beliefs about female education reflect changing views about women’s roles and freedoms.
“Cleopatra landing from her golden galley never received a heartier greeting than ‘Little Mum’ as she was borne to her tent by the young folk, for love of whom she smilingly resigned herself to three days of discomfort; while Jamie immediately attached himself to Rose, assuring her of his protection from the manifold perils which might assail them.”
The allusion to Aunt Jessie, or “Little Mum,” as “Cleopatra” indicates her position of female power in the novel. Cleopatra, an Egyptian queen, was not only renowned for her beauty but for her clever politics and keen insight. Aunt Jessie’s emotional astuteness and nurturing energy are highlighted throughout the novel, and gain her favor with her children, nephews, nieces, and Uncle Alec. In this instance, she is signaled to Alcott’s contemporaries as virtuous because she “sacrifices” comfort for her children’s happiness.
“It is apt to be so, and it is hard to bear; for, though we do not want trumpets blown, we do like to have our little virtues appreciated, and cannot help feeling disappointed if they are not.”
Alcott uses authorial intrusion, in which the narrator interrupts the text and directly addresses the reader to offer commentary on human pride. This pauses the narrative about Rose and her cousins to lead the reader to conclusions about the actions of the characters based on the author’s intent and views. Alcott adds her own view of Rose’s disappointment at not gaining the respect of her cousins, recasting what might be viewed as Rose’s prideful behavior into a shared human foible, encouraging empathy for Rose.
“Rose despised this taste at first, but soon got interested in Livingstone’s adventures, Hobson’s stirring life in India, and the brave trials and triumphs of Watt and Arkwright, Fulton, and ‘Palissy, the Potter.’”
The true, strong books helped the dreamy girl; her faithful service and sweet patience touched and won the boy; and long afterward both learned to see how useful those seemingly hard and weary hours had been to them.”
The listing of books of exploration highlights the well-rounded education that Rose receives through her male cousins. These texts were aimed at a young male readership, not female. The novel conveys the importance of the interaction between genders for a well-balanced education and The Development of Moral Consciousness, indicated by the omniscient perspective of a future in which they realize the value of those “seemingly hard and weary hours.”
“Charlie obediently sat himself upon a hassock at her feet; the other sinners drew near to catch the words of wisdom about to fall from her lips, and Rose, softened by this gratifying humility, addressed them in her most maternal tone.”
The visual imagery of the boys gathered at Rose’s feet displays their shifting relationship dynamic. As the novel progresses, Rose’s conventionally feminine, “maternal” qualities and growth through her broad education gain her respect in her cousin’s eyes, and in turn their moments of “feminine” softness, such as humility or sorrow, draw out her motherly attitude.
“‘It certainly will; for when I contrast that bright, blooming face with the pale, listless one that made my heart ache a while ago, I can believe in almost any miracle,’ said Mrs. Jessie, as Rose looked round to point out a lovely view, with cheeks like the ruddy apples in the orchard nearby, eyes clear as the autumn sky overhead, and vigor in every line of her girlish figure.”
The vivid natural image of Rose as red-cheeked, bright-eyed, and full of energy contrasts starkly with her portrayal as pale and fatigued at the start of the novel, indicating the fullness of her transformation under Uncle Alec’s care. Mrs. Jessie’s tenderness for Rose reinforces the power of a “mother’s love” that Aunt Jessie insightfully diagnoses as what Rose was missing, which she receives from Uncle Alec and Aunt Jessie in her time at Aunt Hill.
“Mother Atkinson thought that everyone should have a trade, or something to make a living out of, for rich people may grow poor, you know, and poor people have to work.”
Rose is constantly influenced by the parental figures around her, displaying her as a product of the care and guidance she receives. In this case, Mother Atkinson from Cosey Corner suggests yet another way for Rose to become more independent: by learning a trade to support herself if needed. This also foreshadows the events of Rose in Bloom, in which an older Rose deals more seriously with the effects of poverty on people’s lives.
“Yes; it is one of the most beautiful as well as useful of all the arts a woman can learn. Not so romantic, perhaps, as singing, painting, writing, or teaching, even; but one that makes many happy and comfortable, and home the sweetest place in the world. Yes, you may open your big eyes; but it is a fact that I had rather see you a good housekeeper than the greatest belle in the city.”
On one hand, Alcott’s work reinforces social conformity and passive domesticity for women. Uncle Alec’s romanticized view of housekeeping, hyperbolically stated as “the most useful of all the arts,” highlights the novel’s suggestion that a “real” woman still retains idealized feminine virtues. However, his approach considers the well-rounded and practical nature of his education of Rose. Even Rose is surprised—she opens her “big eyes”—but later realizes the utility of these skills as part of her holistic development.
“This love of money is the curse of America, and for the sake of it men will sell honor and honesty, till we don’t know whom to trust, and it is only a genius like Agassiz who dares to say, ‘I cannot waste my time in getting rich,’ said Mrs. Jessie sadly.”
Jessie is characterized as a good mother because she worries about her sons’ moral consciousness, and she is politically astute. Agassiz was known as a natural history scholar and a leading glaciologist, which Alcott invokes when Aunt Jessie refers to as his “genius.” Today, his theories of species polygenism are criticized as supporting scientific racism.
“I think you are in a fair way to pay your debts, Rosy, for when girls give up their little vanities, and boys their small vices, and try to strengthen each other in well-doing, matters are going as they ought. Work away, my dear, and help their mother keep these sons fit friends for an innocent creature like yourself; they will be the manlier men for it, I can assure you.”
Uncle Alec’s belief that Rose strengthens herself by morally guiding her cousins through her role as a supplementary mother figure is demonstrated through his matter-of-fact tone. The certainty of his statement about the behavior of little boys and girls establishes his authority in matters of morality, reinforcing him as a key regarding The Development of Moral Consciousness.
“[F]or in this queer world of ours, fatherly and motherly hearts often beat warm and wise in the breasts of bachelor uncles and maiden aunts; and it is my private opinion that these worthy creatures are a beautiful provision of nature for the cherishing of other people’s children. They certainly get great comfort out of it, and receive much innocent affection that otherwise would be lost.”
Through this authorial intrusion, Alcott directly sets out one of the main ideas of the novel, which is that uncles and aunts are capable of mothering or fathering a nephew or niece as if they were their own. This claim challenges the idea that mothering is necessarily biological.
“Sister Myra is right in one thing Rose is a delicate creature, quick to flourish in the sunshine, and as quick to droop without it. She has no special weakness, but inherits her mother’s sensitive nature, and needs the wisest, tenderest care, to keep a very ardent little soul from wearing out a finely organized little body. I think I have found the right treatment, and; with you to help me, I believe we may build up a lovely and a noble woman, who will be a pride and comfort to us all.”
Uncle Alec’s speech to the aunts and cousins at the end of the novel portrays Rose’s growth as a direct product of his parenting style. The natural imagery of Rose as a creature in need of proper nourishment mirrors the 19th-century view of children as a reflection of their parents, whose duty it is to raise them well. Uncle Alec simultaneously reflects and challenges the views of the day, as his parenting methods are progressive, but his view of Rose as a person who needs to be “built” is in keeping with contemporary ideology.
By Louisa May Alcott