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Sarah J. MaasA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
“The Lord of the North flickered down at her. Perhaps the final gift of Mala to these lands—in this age, at least. Perhaps a thank-you to Elena herself, and a farewell.”
The Lord of the North is a constellation that also reflects the Dryad the Lord of the North, which resides in Oakwald forest. Here, the Lord appears to Elena, foreshadowing the Lord’s later appearance to Aelin in Kingdom of Ash, before the Battle of Orynth. This passage is just one of many examples demonstrating the richness and complexity of Sarah J. Maas’s world-building.
“Rowan made her magic sing. And maybe that was the carranam bond between them, but…her magic wanted to dance with his. And from the frost sparkling in his eyes, she knew his own demanded the same.”
The connection between complementary magic and love in Rowan and Aelin’s relationship—dubbed the carranam bond—plays a significant role in their battle against Erawan. They are bonded on multiple levels, for their love is entwined in their magical abilities, in their carranam bond, in their blood oath, and their mating bond.
“Her family—and her kingdom. Two dreams long believed lost, she realized as the northern wind ruffled her hair. That she would do anything—ruin herself, sell herself—to protect.”
The references to ruination and sacrifice in this passage reflect the desperation with which Aelin has pursued her dreams in the past, when she embraced the identity of the assassin Celaena Sardothien. These words also illustrate the matters that are most important to Aelin, showing the depth of her loyalty and compassion.
“This thing between them, the force of it, could devour the world.”
Even before Rowan and Aelin consummate their relationship physically, Maas relates the intensity of their connection to a hunger so vast that it could consume everything. This strategic use of hyperbole helps build the tension between Rowan and Aelin and illustrates the enduring importance of their relationship.
“Rowan knew most underestimated the sharp intelligence under that disarming smile. Knew that Dorian’s value wasn’t his godlike magic, but his mind.”
Rowan is a very perceptive character throughout the entire Throne of Glass series. In this quote, his perception of Dorian’s intelligence provides further insight, as Dorian often wears a flirtatious and facetious façade. Internally, however, Dorian’s intelligence is one of his greatest gifts, and the passage foreshadows the fact that his intelligence will play an important strategic role in Kingdom of Ash.
“‘The world,’ Aelin said, ‘will be saved and remade by the dreamers, Rolfe.’”
Aelin’s reference to dreamers remaking the world illustrates the idealism that fuels her cause. She wants to wage war not to seize power for herself or her people, but to create a world that is free from Erawan’s darkness. Thus, Maas employs the standard “good versus evil” trope that dominates many examples of fantasy literature, creating a grand, clear-cut battle between blatantly benevolent and malevolent forces.
“Love had broken a perfect killing tool. Lorcan wondered if it would take him centuries more to stop being so pissed about it.”
As Lorcan reflects on Rowan, the wry tone of this quote reveals his pessimistic view toward love, for his love for Maeve has never brought anything good into his life. This moment also foreshadows Lorcan’s own developing love for Elide, which will make him turn his back on Maeve and join Aelin’s cause.
“They could burn the entire world to ashes with it. He was hers and she was his, and they had found each other across centuries of bloodshed and loss, across oceans and kingdoms and war.”
The hyperbolic and grandiose tone of this passage envelops the strength of Aelin and Rowan’s intimate tension in the imagery of fire and war. This stylistic choice reflects Maas’s frequent correlation between love and violence, and the passage also creates an incongruous moment by emphasizing Aelin’s love for Rowan even as bloodshed breaks out around them.
“She was a liar, and a murderer, and a thief, and Aelin had a feeling she’d be called much worse by the end of this war.”
Aelin’s self-deprecating thoughts demonstrate the impact of the judgment and distrust that she has experienced from those close to her, like Chaol Westfall, and from her own people, like Lord Darrow. She has internalized their painful words and knows that she must endure yet more resistance and criticism as she follows her destined path.
“They had not come ten years ago. She wanted them to know she had not forgotten it.”
Aelin’s remembrance of the Mycenians’ refusal to help Terrasen during Adarlan’s invasion now fuels her desire to retake the temple in Ilium and create a symbol of her return. The idea of remembrance reemerges in the final chapter of the book when the troops from Wendlyn arrive in remembrance of Evalin Ashryver (Aelin’s mother), making this moment a form of foreshadowing.
“I love you. There is no limit to what I can give to you, no time I need. Even when this world is a forgotten whisper of dust between the stars, I will love you.”
The intensity of Rowan and Aelin’s relationship is again repeated in Rowan’s confession of love before they become physically intimate. There is a softness to these words that contrasts with the heat and fire that results from their passionate encounter on the beach. By tempering the violence of the primary narrative with these more tender moments, Maas modulates the pace of the narrative and allows for more focused character development.
“But the threads lay in a lattice across his mind, in hues of red and green and gold and blue, glimmering and thrumming, whispering their secrets in languages not spoken in this world.”
After meeting Elena, Dorian cannot stop thinking about the Lock and the Wyrdkeys. The image of threads in a tapestry shows the intricacy of Dorian’s thoughts, and his contemplations reflect the intelligence that Rowan perceived within him. His ability to hear unspoken languages also shows his connection to the Wyrdmarks and Wyrdkeys, as he is just as capable as Aelin of fulfilling the prophecy to reforge the Lock.
“So call Aelin a murderer and a thief and a liar. Call her a bitch-queen and a fire-breather. But forgive me if I take it upon myself to be the judge of those things when I meet her. Which I will do.”
Elide’s compassion for Aelin matches her compassion for Manon, another woman who has been forced to kill in order to survive. Elide’s scornful words are also a direct repetition of the names that Aelin called herself in her own mind. This scene therefore confirms Aelin’s fears that some hold a poor opinion of her even though Elide is clearly reserving judgment until she can discern Aelin’s nature for herself.
“You are not human. I do not expect you to be.”
Rowan’s territorial actions normally make Aelin mock him, but here, she takes on a softer, more forgiving tone, reminding him that he is different from others and that this fact does not detract from their relationship. In this scene, Aelin also shows Rowan that goodness is not innate to humans.
“‘Nameless is the price of Maeve’s allegiance,’ Fenrys snapped. ‘It can’t be purchased.’”
This is the moment when Aelin realizes that she is destined to die, although Maas does not explicitly emphasize this point just yet. The repetition of the warning from the back of the Amulet of Orynth (the symbol of knowledge), illustrates Aelin’s growing understanding of the truth that she will ultimately confirm during her time in the witch mirror.
“Aelin Galathynius said quietly, ‘You never stop seeing their faces.’”
In this scene, Aelin expresses her solidarity for Manon and admits that her own guilt mirrors that of the reformed Ironteeth witch, for she too has faced the necessity of taking lives. With a subtle twist of dialogue, Maas forges an unspoken and deeply emotional bond between the two characters, for both are queens, and both have lived to regret their more violent choices. And ultimately, both have destinies to fulfill on behalf of their people.
“This isn’t a game. This is war, and you pushed and pushed Erawan to show his hand. You refused to run your schemes by us first, to let us weigh in, when we have fought wars.”
Aedion’s anger at Aelin reflects the tension in their relationship, which is exacerbated by his growing unease with her power. The scene therefore illustrates The Impact of Power Dynamics on Personal Relationships. Aelin may have power over Aedion, but he has more practical experience in battle, and this mismatch fuels a variety of conflicts over strategy.
“A golden crown of flame flickered to life atop Rowan’s head—the twin to the one Lorcan had seen burning that day at Mistward.”
The image of the crowns of flame above Aelin’s and Rowan’s heads foreshadows their secret marriage, which makes them both the rightful monarchs of Terrasen. Because the crowns are made of fire, the narrative also illustrates the importance of Aelin’s power in the development of their relationship, as portrayed in Heir of Fire.
“For over ten years, Aelin had been the sole bearer of those final words. Ten years, through death and despair and war, Aelin had carried them across kingdoms.”
Aelin finally passes Marion Lochan’s last words on to Marion’s daughter, Elide. Aelin has held these words close to her for a decade, remaining grateful to Marion for saving her life. The hyperbolic language describing war heightens the intensity of the scene, reflecting Maas’s rhetorical choice to craft language that mirrors the importance of the moment.
“It is not such a hard thing, is it—to die for your friends.”
Dorian’s confession illustrates the depth of his friendship with the other members of Aelin’s court. The scene also adds an element of intensity to the battle against Maeve, as Dorian is certain that they will not survive it. His perspective emphasizes just how much is at stake for the protagonists.
“‘You died,’ Elena whispered. ‘Right there, you died. You had fought so hard, and I failed you. And in that moment, I didn’t care that I’d again failed the gods, or my promise to make it right.’”
The revelation that Aelin previously died and was returned to life adds nuance to her savior archetype as her resurrection makes her even more of a messianic figure. As a child, she cheated death, but now death has come for her again. These lines also add depth to Elena’s character, showing that she cares about Aelin as an individual, even as she prepares her for slaughter in accordance with the gods’ will.
“Brannon had done what he could for her. To soften the blow of that promise, if he could not change its course wholly. To give Aelin a fighting chance. Nameless is my price.”
In this context, the repetition of “nameless is my price” adds intensity to the scene. Instead of serving as foreshadowing, the phrase now carries the love and empathy that Brannon feels for his future heir, whom he knows must suffer for Elena’s mistakes. Although the words are repeated verbatim, their appearance in italics imbues them with a greater degree of emotion, especially in the context of Brannon’s decision.
“Why bother with you at all? Because I can’t very well let you sacrifice yourself to forge a new Lock, can I? Not when you already have what I want. And I have known for a very, very long time that you would give me what I seek, Aelin Galathynius, and have taken the steps toward ensuring that.”
Maeve’s haughty monologue complicates The Tension between Destiny and Free Will. Aelin has always believed that she has exercised free will in all of her life choices, but her conflict with Maeve forces her to realize that Maeve has influenced many of Aelin’s actions through her underhanded plots and schemes.
“We owe her a life debt. And more than that…It is time that we became better than our foremothers. We are all children of this land.”
These lines reflect the culmination of Manon’s internal changes throughout the text. Instead of running from her Crochan heritage, she now wants to inspire the Thirteen to create a better world for the witches. Her goal matches Aelin’s determination to improve matters for the entire world. Thus, Maas further emphasizes the fact that the two characters share identical goals in different contexts.
In Aelin’s letter to Galan Ashryver, the concept of remembrance returns once again, and Maas’s use of capital letters adds an almost violent sense of urgency to Aelin’s request. This forceful tone is matched by the intensity of the scene that unfolds after Aelin’s kidnapping.
By Sarah J. Maas
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