64 pages • 2 hours read
Sarah J. MaasA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Power plays a huge role in Empire of Storms, for the degree of power that each character wields drastically changes the interactions, dialogue, and outcomes of each scene. The most powerful character in Empire of Storms, with the exception of the Valg King Erawan, is Aelin Galathynius, and her power can be divided into two categories that stem from political theory: soft power and hard power. Soft power involves using persuasion rather than force or coercion to gain allies and supporters. Aelin’s soft power can be seen in her diplomacy, her kindness, and her appeals to historical precedent. For example, she manages to win Ansel of Briarcliff and the Silent Assassins to her cause because of the kindness and mercy she showed them in her past as Celaena Sardothien (events detailed in the prequel novellas of The Assassin’s Blade). She also attempts to utilize soft power to win over Rolfe by reminding him of the Mycenians’ failure to help Terrasen: a failure that she wants Rolfe to remedy. However, when this approach proves insufficient, she uses hard power, which traditionally involves coercion and force, often in a military context. Aelin uses hard power when she summons the Valg to Skull’s Bay, thereby forcing Rolfe to join the fight against Erawan. By knowingly placing Skull’s Bay and its people in peril and withholding military assistance until Rolfe acquiesces to her demands, Aelin demonstrates the darker side of the power she wields.
Aelin’s power also influences her personal relationships with her friends, family, and entourage. Most prominently, her romance with Rowan is influenced by her status as his queen and his blood oath to her. However, Rowan and Aelin’s relationship is not necessarily ruled by this bond. As Gavriel tells them, “You two took the oath to each other with love in your hearts. You had no desire to own or rule him” (280). Although Aelin technically holds power over Rowan, she does not wield the oath in a way that forces him to submit; instead, she occasionally gives him “suggestions” that he can either follow or disregard. Likewise, Rowan’s devotion to Aelin and his desire to see her restored to her throne results not from his oath but from his love for her as an individual. However, although Aelin and Roman strike a healthy balance, her relationship with Aedion is deeply complicated by her power and status. As queen, Aelin must ask her followers to make sacrifices for the cause, and these sacrifices cause hard feelings to arise. As Lysandra fights the sea wyverns in Skull’s Bay, Aedion realizes that “for the first time, he […] hated Aelin for asking this of Lysandra” (334). Although Lysandra later reminds Aedion that she “serves” Aelin, Aedion still resents Aelin for putting her companions in danger. Although he loves his cousin, her vast political and magical power makes him wary of her decisions, especially those that impact his loved ones. Aedion’s festering inner tension ultimately explodes in a public setting when he questions Aelin’s strategy decisions in the midst of the ilken attack, demanding, “Where are our allies, Aelin? Where are our armies?” (517). In this moment, he does not realize that Aelin already has several plans in motion to gain more troops. Thus, he later feels guilty for his distrust when he sees these plans come to fruition, but the tension that he feels over Aelin’s power remains. In this way, Sarah J. Maas uses the dichotomy between Rowan and Aedion’s perception of Aelin’s power to demonstrate the variety of ways that power can influence close personal relationships.
As the wars with Erawan and Maeve hang heavily over Aelin Galathynius and her court, all of the characters must confront a range of morally ambiguous choices in their attempts to rally supporters and find the Lock so that they can send Erawan back to his home dimension. Significantly, each character represents a different perception of the war against Erawan. Some, like Darrow, seek to hide from the war by denying Aelin her Terrasen crown. When Aedion insists that her magic makes winning the war possible, Darrow replies, “War is a game of numbers, not magic” (62), and his callous response demonstrates that his participation in previous conflicts has left him with a cynical, hardened view of conflict. His response makes it clear that he cares for nothing except the number of soldiers fighting, and he is unwilling to offer these soldiers to Aelin, even in a war that is morally justifiable. In a sharp contrast to Darrow’s bleak outlook, Aelin promises Rolfe that “if we win this war, it will be a new world—a free world” (248). Her idealism and fervor reveals the purity of her intentions, for she does not seek conflict for conflict’s sake. Instead, she only wishes to incite war against Erawan so that she can banish his darkness and create a world free from his oppressive violence.
It is also worth noting that Rowan and the other members of Maeve’s cadre have ample experience with wartime combat, both in justifiable wars and in battles that Maeve has begun to further her own dark agenda. Early in the novel, for example, Rowan considers the coming conflict with Erawan and reflects that in the ensuing conflict, “[t]hese lands would endure far worse in the coming days and months. His queen, no matter how he tried to shield her, would endure far worse” (94). With these morose thoughts, Maas demonstrates that Rowan is acutely aware of the cost of war, for he knows that the highest price will be paid by the people of Erilea and by Aelin personally. This moment also serves as strong foreshadowing for Aelin’s destined sacrifice of her own life in order to forge a new Lock; it also obliquely foreshadows her willingness to endure Maeve’s torture in order to protect Elide. Manon also has experience with war as an Ironteeth witch, and she shares her perspective with Dorian aboard the ship, declaring, “War is sanctioned murder, no matter what side you’re on” (425). Manon’s forceful words and unequivocal tone illustrate that even a morally justified war still takes a grievous toll on all of its participants.
The interplay of destiny and free will takes center stage throughout the Throne of Glass series but becomes especially important in Empire of Storms as several characters find themselves torn between destiny and free will. The most prominent avatars of this internal conflict are Aelin and Manon. Aelin’s destiny is shrouded in mystery for much of the novel, but when she is possessed by the goddess Deanna and referred to as “the Queen Who Was Promised” (320), this epithet hints at the debt that Aelin owes to the gods because of Elena’s actions a millennium ago. Aelin therefore feels the weight of her destiny as the rightful Queen of Terrasen and as the one to defeat Erawan, but it is only when Fenrys repeats the phrase “nameless is her price” (459) that Aelin begins to realize that she will not survive the coming conflict. As the story unfolds, she comes to understand that her fate is to die while reforging the Lock and banishing Erawan for good. Once Aelin discovers what Elena has been preparing her to accomplish, she does not fight her destiny, instead submitting her free will to the dictates of fate. By contrast, Rowan refuses to let destiny rule Aelin and decides that “he would not accept that her life was the asking price for saving this world” (679). Rowan wants to find a way to thwart destiny and defy the gods’ agenda, thereby saving Aelin from a sacrificial death.
Manon’s relationship to this theme is even more complex, for her own destiny is bisected. Her mother and father intended her to be a uniting force for both the Ironteeth and the Crochan witches. However, her grandmother, the Blackbeak Matron, murdered Manon’s parents before they could raise her to know the truth of her dual witch heritage. As the Blackbeak Matron declares to Manon, “[Your father’s] despair was delicious when I told him what I’d done to [your mother]. What I would make you into. Not a child of peace—but war” (168). The Matron’s planned destiny for Manon is to instill her with hatred and violence so that she will become the head of the Ironteeth witches. Still, despite the Matron’s years of brutal treatment, Manon rediscovers her heart and embraces her parents’ destiny for her. Although she initially struggles with her Crochan identity and Aelin’s suggestion to find the Crochan witches and ally with them against Erawan and the Ironteeth, she ultimately asks the Thirteen to fly with her to find the Crochans, seeing herself as “a child not of war … but of peace” (674). This statement stands as a direct reversal of the Matron’s words. In this way, Manon rejects the destiny that her grandmother created for her and instead chooses the destiny that her parents intended.
By Sarah J. Maas
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