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Suzanne CollinsA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Despite Grandma’am’s disapproval of his humane treatment of Lucy Gray, Coriolanus defends her as she did him from the other tributes. But unlike Sejanus, he continues to enjoy the spotlight, his recent exploits well received by their peers and teachers.
The next day, the students brainstorm various ways in which to boost viewership. Coriolanus jokingly suggests that viewers be allowed to bet on the tributes. Later, the mentors interview their mentees; the Gamemakers not only want the mentors to bond with their tributes, but to collect valuable information. While most of the interviews end in failure—with tributes either refusing to participate or respond in full—Coriolanus and Lucy Gray manage to play off each other. They learn of their shared experiences as orphans among other things. An impressed Dr. Gaul looks into Coriolanus’s idea for a betting system.
After class, Coriolanus and the other mentors return to the zoo to feed their mentees. Some of the tributes perform tricks for the crowd in exchange for applause and more food. One of the mentors, Arachne, appears to make a sandwich for her tribute only to tease her with it, taking a generous bite. The female tribute from District 10, in turn, steals Arachne’s knife and slashes her mentor’s throat with it.
Justice for the Capitol’s own is swift: The offending tribute is immediately shot by Peacekeepers. Coriolanus, mindful of the cameras, attempts to assist Arachne at Lucy Gray’s behest; he is hailed as a hero. Sejanus performs a rite for the tribute, sprinkling her with ashes or crumbs of some sort, while Arachne is given a grand funeral to be broadcasted across Panem.
Coriolanus completes Dr. Gaul’s assignment—a formal proposal for future Hunger Games—on his own. He decides to focus on food, proposing that Capitol residents be allowed to buy supplies for tributes and bet on their odds of winning. Dr. Gaul seems to approve, but asks if he worked on the assignment alone. He did, but his partner in name, Clemensia, is also present. Coriolanus does not outright lie, but Clemensia claims that she, too, worked on the proposal. Dr. Gaul prompts the two to pick up her genetically modified snakes as a test. If the snakes are familiar with a person’s scent, they won’t react: Clemensia is bitten multiple times.
Dr. Gaul acts indifferent towards the injured Clemensia and warns Coriolanus never to lie to her again. Coriolanus gleans from this experience, coupled with previous trauma he developed during the war, that nobody is to be trusted.
Coriolanus returns to the zoo, hoping to confide in Lucy Gray as she has no one else with whom to share his secrets. Her situation is dire: The rats suspected of biting Jessup, her fellow District 12 tribute, prove too clever for the Peacekeepers’ poison traps; and the Gamemakers are essentially starving the tributes to death. Coriolanus urges Lucy Gray to sing at their televised interview before the Games, hoping to find a way to feed her in the meantime.
An exhausted Coriolanus returns home and learns that he must sing the national anthem at Arachne’s funeral. Satyria, one of his favorite teachers, explains that this honor is the result of his earlier “heroism.” Coriolanus takes the opportunity to ask for help in feeding the tributes—as there’s no point to the Hunger Games should they die early.
Coriolanus is repulsed by Arachne’s funeral, finding her “honors” disproportionate to those who died during the war. Coriolanus quickly learns that the true purpose of this “show” is to instill fear and obedience, as the tributes are paraded through the streets: “High in the air, the bullet-ridden body of the District 10 girl, Brandy, dangled from [a crane’s] hook. Shackled to the truck bed, looking utterly filthy and defeated, were the remaining twenty-three tributes” (129). He deliberately refrains from empathizing with them.
Later, the mentors and mentees tour the arena. Coriolanus reflects on how the place used to host a circus as the group enters a different entrance than that of his memories: “This entrance was for the poor people [...] Or perhaps not poor. The word plebian came to mind;” families like the Snows always entered through a “velvet rope” (135). Coriolanus reconnects with Lucy Gray who reports that the tributes are being fed—perhaps, at his request—and compliments his singing at the funeral. He feels drawn to her, but the tender moment dissipates as a bomb goes off.
Coriolanus finds himself trapped beneath a burning beam, his trauma resurfacing. He cries out to Lucy Gray in mid-escape, who hesitates before returning to help. He is quickly recovered by Peacekeepers and transported to the hospital, as Lucy Gray is shoved to the ground with a gun to her back.
As it turns out, the bombs were planted, not dropped from the sky as per the war—but those responsible have yet to be found. The funeral for the mentor-students is even grander this time; the display of dead tributes, more gruesome. Eight tributes were killed, though Sejanus’s tribute, Marcus, managed to escape.
Meanwhile, Coriolanus is visited by Clemensia in the hospital, recoiling at the sight of her “ravaged face,” the “twitching that affected her entire body” (147). In contrast, he takes a moment to admire himself as the previous funeral is re-broadcasted.
Upon recovering, Coriolanus sees Lucy Gray again. With uncharacteristic sincerity, he voices his wish to repay her. In that moment, “a shift in their dynamic” occurs, because “[s]he had the right to demand things” (153); that being his confidence and genuine support in her ability to win.
The reader bears witness to the Capitol’s efforts to indoctrinate its students. In class, Dr. Gaul and Sejanus engage in a heated debate over the Games and the districts’ role in the Capitol’s government (“Capitol” is capitalized while “districts” are often in lowercase, signaling less importance). Sejanus makes the point that tributes are “just citizens of Panem, aren’t they? Same as us? […] It’s supposed to be everyone’s government, right?” (92). Dr. Gaul is unimpressed, calling him a “rebel sympathizer” for feeding the tributes (92). It becomes increasingly clear that the national anthem’s refrain of “reunification” is in the service of centralized power and control, not democracy. When Sejanus asks to be released from his service as a mentor, Dr. Gaul scoffs at him: She knows that “[c]ompassion is the key to the Games. Empathy, the thing we lack” (93). Sejanus is as much a target of the Games as the tributes themselves: His participation makes him complicit in the slaughter—as a pawn of the Capitol—while his compassion tortures his conscience. The Games are essentially a tool out of the terrorist’s playbook, controlling people’s beliefs and behaviors through fear, intimidation, and violence.
This method of control is further reinforced via dehumanization: The tributes “perform” for food like monkeys in a cage, “hunger” being key to the Hunger Games and Capitol residents later feeding their favorite “pets” as sponsors (96-97); the parading of tributes is done so in restraints, forcing them to “crouch,” unwashed and nearly unrecognizable (129); and the tributes are not sent to doctors after the bombing, but veterinarians (146). This indoctrination works on both Capitol residents and the districts’ victims. It becomes easier for the former to invest in the Games as entertainment with their participants being “inhuman,” while the dehumanization of the latter only emphasizes the utter helplessness of their situation.
This ingrained cruelty makes Coriolanus and Lucy Gray’s relationship complicated: When Coriolanus tries to convince Lucy Gray that she “matters,” the sentiment is distorted by their unequal proximity to power—not to mention the purpose for which they met in the first place. Coriolanus’s humane treatment of Lucy Gray only goes so far as her “worth.” She brings him positive media attention and opportunities, even listening to him without judgement; she is an object onto which he writes his own script. Coriolanus demonstrates an understanding of performance and public display. Lucy Gray, too, is no stranger to the benefits of putting on a good show: Her defiant song at the reaping catches many people’s attention and her flirtations with Coriolanus can be read as an act, as when she teasingly asks him if he wants to marry her (86). Neither character is reliable in their motives, but they are intertwined through Lucy Gray saving Coriolanus’s life, and Coriolanus’s subsequent responsibility for hers.
The reader also learns that the catchphrase from the original trilogy—“May the odds be ever in your favor”—is Coriolanus’s idea. Coriolanus’s rise to presidency can be traced back to his relationship with the sinister Dr. Gaul. Her snakes make an appearance in this section, evoking Lucy Gray’s own from Chapter 2. Snakes are often indicative of transgression, as in that of the biblical Adam and Eve. This association frames both Dr. Gaul and Lucy Gray as potential temptresses. As far as the former goes, her snakes, along with her harsh lessons, already have a hold on Coriolanus’s shaky sense of morality.
By Suzanne Collins
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