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Suzanne CollinsA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Both Coriolanus and Sejanus are wounded in their escape—the Peacekeepers instructed not to act by Dr. Gaul—and one tribute is killed. Dr. Gaul questions Coriolanus about the experience, pushing him to recognize her vision of human nature: “What happened in the arena? That’s humanity undressed. The tributes. And you, too. How quickly civilization disappears” (243). She gives him another assignment, to elaborate on his previous essay’s section about control.
The next day, Coriolanus returns to his mentor’s chair and oversees the Games. The rest of the audience isn’t privy to what happened overnight; they only see Marcus’s body abandoned near the entrance with another dead tribute nearby, and assume that others were responsible. But Coriolanus knows the truth: He killed Bobbin, the tribute who attacked him with a knife. He worries about the murder being used against him.
Sejanus appears in a televised interview with Flickerman; he announces that the Plinth family plans to give a full-ride scholarship to the mentor whose tribute wins the Games. It is likely that Sejanus’s wealthy father, Strabo Plinth, “bailed” his son with the gesture, and Coriolanus cannot help but wonder—eagerly—if he plans to buy his silence as well.
Lucy Gray finally makes an appearance, albeit chased by fellow District 12 tribute Jessup. A confused Coriolanus notes that the two are, or at least, were allies—but realizes that Jessup is unwell, foaming at the mouth.
Coriolanus assumes Lucy Gray poisoned Jessup, but his foam indicates that he instead contracted rabies. During the war, vaccinations for pets were foregone, instigating widespread instances of rabid animals—and humans—in the Capitol.
Coriolanus recalls that victims of rabies develop an extreme fear of water—as they can no longer swallow—so he has water bottles sent to Jessup to drive him into a crazed fury. In his agitation, Jessup trips over the high wall of the arena and breaks his back in the fall. Lucy Gray approaches with caution and empathy, placing her hand on his head as he dies.
Coriolanus and Lucy Gray are voted “most popular” by viewers, but he knows that this doesn’t necessarily improve the latter’s chances (264). Nevertheless, he feels heartened; Lucy Gray only has nine tributes left to defeat. His optimism dissipates when Tigris informs him that they are at risk of losing their apartment.
With the Snows’ storied history at risk, Coriolanus is determined to win the Plinth family’s prize more so than ever before.
Back at the Games, Dean Highbottom is interviewed about the new changes—just as some of the tributes band together to force a confrontation. A tribute managed to stay safe by tying herself to a high beam. Three allied tributes knock her off balance and she dies in the fall; and then, two of the three tributes turn on the third, stabbing him in the back with a trident. The mentor of the now dead tribute notes that one has to “[b]e careful who you trust” (278).
Coriolanus meets with Dr. Gaul, who reminds him of his essay and reports that yet another student succumbed to injuries from the bombing. He sees Dr. Gaul’s rainbow-colored snakes wheeled into an elevator for the Games’ next phase. He links the snakes to Lucy Gray’s signature dress and recalls how to keep her safe (i.e., by familiarizing them with her scent). Coriolanus drops a handkerchief that he gave Lucy Gray to wipe her tears before the Games into the snake tank.
Coriolanus is taken aback by his own audacity, and he vacillates between thinking the gesture was to save Lucy Gray’s life and believing that it was to help him win the prize. He decides to visit the Plinths’ home, subconsciously thinking that there might be hope of a cash reward in casting his sympathies with Sejanus. Ma plies him with pie, speaking wistfully of her home back in District 2, while Strabo Plinth interrogates Coriolanus about his motives for helping Sejanus back in the arena. Strabo implies that Coriolanus is little like his father, for it was “[i]mpossible to imagine Crassus Snow risking his life for me” (289). Coriolanus says that he did so out of friendship—despite being given no choice in the matter.
Disappointed by Strabo’s lack of monetary support, Coriolanus returns home to work on his essay. He concludes that “[w]ithout the control to enforce the [social] contract, chaos reigned. The power that controlled needed to be greater than the people—otherwise, they would challenge it. The only entity capable of this was the Capitol” (292).
The next day, the audience witnesses the death of another tribute holding an apple; Coriolanus suspects that this was the work of Lucy Gray’s poison. Dr. Gaul announces the most recent student death and promises something special for the remaining tributes (297). Her snakes are dropped into the arena and attack everyone nearby, killing several tributes. Coriolanus fears for Lucy Gray’s life—until he hears singing. Lucy Gray appears out of a tunnel, followed by several snakes, “as if mesmerized by the melody” (300).
Coriolanus, too, is mesmerized—and terrified—by Lucy Gray’s appearance: “Had she sung to the snakes at home? […] Perhaps she’d befriended several snakes back in District 12. Perhaps she thought if she stopped singing, they would indeed kill her now. Perhaps this was her swan song” (302). The snakes remain docile to the end, leaving the audience stunned. Dr. Gaul attempts to redirect their attention to the deceased student, clearly unhappy with the performance.
As morning comes, the remaining mentors find Dr. Gaul’s snakes dead, drowned by rain or weak against the overnight cold. Three of the four remaining tributes meet their end—the last a victim of one of Lucy Gray’s snakes, kept warm and alive by her—and she emerges as the unlikely victor of the Tenth Annual Hunger Games. Coriolanus celebrates, and for a moment, “he felt invincible” (319).
But by the end of his celebration, Coriolanus finds Dean Highbottom waiting in Dr. Gaul’s lab with an array of incriminating items: “an Academy napkin stained with grape punch, his mother’s silver compact, and a dingy white handkerchief” (320). Instead of winning the coveted prize to University, Coriolanus is forced to become “Panem’s newest, if not shiniest, Peacekeeper” (320).
This section is set during the Games and reinforces the notion that mentors are, quite literally, inseparable from their mentees. Just as the Capitol is implicated in the Games, everyone is subject to the machinations and twisted philosophy of Head Gamemaker Dr. Gaul and others like her. When Coriolanus is sent into the arena to rescue Sejanus, Dr. Gaul instructs the Peacekeepers not to intervene on their behalf; in that instance, they become interchangeable with the district-born tributes. The two are just as “expendable” (239) as any other child; they are all victims of a never-ending war.
Dr. Gaul claims that Coriolanus’s experience was “a wonderful opportunity […]. Transformative” (242), as he becomes more and more her creature. She drives home a powerful lesson about humans; they are little more than animals, beasts who kill without remorse the moment any social control is lifted. When she asks Coriolanus how he felt about the tributes after being attacked, he responds, “I wanted them dead. I wanted them all dead” (242). She elaborates on this baser instinct: “All your fine manners, education, family background, everything you pride yourself on, stripped away in the blink of an eye, revealing everything you actually are. A boy with a club who beats another boy to death. That’s mankind in its natural state” (243). Like other classic works of young adult fiction—The Lord of the Flies comes to mind—The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes grapples with what it means to be human and how that vision of humanity shapes society. Dr. Gaul knows this—and reinforces Coriolanus’s indoctrinated belief in the Capitol’s superiority and its need for control. Without the Capitol, Coriolanus comes to believe, there is only chaos (244).
There are, however, characters who disagree. Lysistrata’s defense of her tribute, Jessup, speaks to a different value system: “What I’d like people to know about Jessup is that he was a good person […] I don’t think he would’ve ever won the Games, because he’d have died trying to protect Lucy Gray” (262). When Flickerman tries to minimize this assessment as that of a loyal dog, she insists, “No, not like a dog. Like a human being” (262). This show of compassion, albeit brief, demonstrates a clash between old values and the young—and undermines the very core of the Capitol.
Dean Highbottom weighs in on this year’s Games, commenting on how the bomb blast “changed the landscape” by providing more areas in which to hide and by creating the need for the barricade-beam used to display the escapee Marcus (273-74). There is also the innovative use of sponsors and drones to supply tributes with gifts, making them inherently more interactive. Not only is the physical landscape changed, but so is the psychological terrain. As the Dean points out, “[n]ow the audience is an active player in the Games,” meaning “we’re all in the arena together” (274). Again, the message is clear: All are implicated, all are responsible.
As for responsibility, not only is Coriolanus’s reputation on the line, but also his home and the survival of his family; they are now intertwined with his potential success or failure as a mentor. The Plinths’ prize, a scholarship for the mentor whose tribute wins the Games, is the only way Coriolanus can save the Snows from certain ruin: “He would be losing his residence, his history, and his identity in one fell swoop” (268). Coriolanus is more implicated in the Games than most, tipping the scales in his favor so as to save his future. This cheating also reveals both his breadth of ambition and his unfailing sense of entitlement.
By Suzanne Collins
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