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Jorge Luis BorgesA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Dr. Albert illuminates Tsun’s past and explains his ancestor’s mysterious creation, the labyrinth-novel called The Garden of Forking Paths—“an enormous guessing game, or parable, in which the subject is time” (219). Borges uses Albert’s analysis of Ts’ui Pên’s novel to analyze his own story from within the story itself. With its parallels and contradictions, the story of the same name must concern itself with the same question of time.
According to Albert, Ts’ui Pên rejected traditional, linear concepts of time, embracing instead the idea that many intersecting worlds exist simultaneously, webs of experience that share some events and characters but not others. Each instance of conjuncture branches into multiple directions, creating infinite possible futures. The narrative itself in “The Garden of Forking Paths” echoes this idea in its layered structure: We hear from Ts’ui Pên through Albert, reading his own translation. We hear Albert’s account through Tsun’s deposition, a confession he spoke to a transcriptionist before his execution, which has already happened by the time the transcript is published. The deposition’s transcript, the main body of the story, appears as a fragment within a work by Captain Liddell Hart—a work ostensibly quoted from by Jorge Luis Borges, author of this story that begins with a dedication to another historical figure and Borges’s close friend, the writer Victoria Ocampo. A footnote to Borges’s story identifies “the original manuscript editor” (212), but the “manuscript” to which the footnote refers is unidentified. Borges provides a clue: In the world of the footnote, Viktor Runeberg and Captain Richard Madden, Borges’s fictional characters, exist as historical figures. In “The Garden of Forking Paths,” time takes the shape of a web, or a labyrinth; “the future exists now” (220), and “things happen only in the present” (212).
The book by Liddell Hart, A History of the World War, exists in this world as a revised version of an earlier work by Liddell Hart. But Tsun does not appear on page 212 of any version of Liddell Hart’s history. Different versions of Borges’s story mention various page numbers for the deposition. In this version, the page number is 212, but in others the account appears starting on page 22 or on page 252. The military offensive against Serre-Montauban did occur on July 1, 1916, but in Borges’s rendering of Liddell Hart’s history, it happened on July 29. In these shifting details, Borges undermines any attempt to envision historical events as concrete, even as he includes a frame for his fiction that suggests an intersection with the historical past. Borges questions assumptions about history and reality in other works, such as his short story “Pierre Menard, Author of Don Quixote,” which assumes an alternate world in which this foundational literary work exists, but with a different author.
Both fugitive and agent, Tsun wrestles with time throughout “The Garden of Forking Paths.” He marks time in the old manner, noting the positions of sun and moon, but he also credits the modern train schedule for allowing him to elude Madden; having successfully boarded the 8:50pm train, Tsun celebrates the fact that Madden will have to wait until the next train at half-past nine. While Tsun yields himself to the elegance of Albert’s conversation, he does so only after noticing “a large circular clock” (216) that allows him to estimate the amount of time he can spend before Madden’s possible arrival.
Even before Tsun learns about his ancestor’s work and his effort to extend the boundaries of time, Tsun reveals his own ideas about potential simultaneous worlds. He gives advice to “soldiers and bandits,” the inhabitants of the coming world: "Whosoever would undertake some atrocious enterprise should act as if it were already accomplished, should impose upon himself a future as irrevocable as the past” (214). Tsun appears to share Einstein’s idea that time exists as a human construct and that each world unfolds as it will, unchangeable. Tsun refers to himself throughout his deposition as already dead; because he relates the story primarily in past tense, Borges does not reveal whether Tsun thinks of himself as already dead while he completes his mission or while he awaits execution, as both of those past moments exist in the present in the world of the story. Tsun’s advice constitutes the only passage in the main body of the story told in present tense. The only other sentences in present tense are the first and last of the final paragraph, when Tsun claims that anything left after Albert’s death “is unreal and unimportant” (220). In the final sentence of the deposition, only Tsun’s sorrow remains as “infinite” and unknowable (220).
The plot of Borges’s “The Garden of Forking Paths” turns on a single word, the name of a town. That name also belongs to a man with equally important intelligence for Tsun, though of a more personal nature than the message this spy must find a way to convey to his handler. Frustrated by his own “feeble voice” (220), Tsun resorts to a desperate plan: killing a stranger with the same name as the town he must report to Berlin, hoping that his contact, the Chief, will see the newspaper notices and interpret them correctly. Tsun’s sorrow at the end of his confession comes from the unforeseen consequence of his plan, the destruction of the man Albert in order to destroy the town Albert. But without this overlapping name, Tsun would never have known the key features of his ancestor’s work.
Borges emphasizes the flexibility of words and meaning throughout the story, creating the “forking paths” in this text by offering multiple interpretations for many passages. When Tsun muses that “a pistol shot can be heard from a great distance” (213), his observation seems straightforward and reasonable, but the distance he means to cover is much longer than the physical distance a pistol report can travel. He needs the sound to be heard all the way in Berlin, and the way for him to extend the sound of the pistol is to commit murder with it. Tsun recounts his story with the benefit of distance; with time to reflect on the events, Tsun comments that his “risky plan” succeeded, though “its execution was terrible” (213). The word “execution” on first reading indicates the execution of a plan, the completion of an idea. Only after the story ends does the word’s additional meaning emerge: that of the execution Tsun plans to commit by killing Albert. Since Tsun relays this narrative as a condemned man, surely the word “execution” holds another meaning entirely for him.
Albert explains the novel The Garden of Forking Paths as a kind of puzzle or word game that features “time” as its subject or key. He supports his theory by asking Tsun, “In a guessing game to which the answer is chess, which word is the only one prohibited?” (219), causing Tsun to respond with the word “chess.” Albert believes the “voluntary omission” (219) of the word “time” proves its crucial role in The Garden of Forking Paths, a work so expansive that this word’s absence means more than its inclusion would. This theory invites readers to examine Borges’s “The Garden of Forking Paths” for its own conspicuous absences.
Copyist errors, multiple meanings, and misunderstandings of language give texts the nearly infinite potential for forking paths. Each new interpretation creates further branches to follow. However, Borges reminds us through Albert that even exact repetition can acquire new meaning in an unforeseeable future. Listing for Tsun the varieties of worlds available in a bifurcating web of time, Albert says that in one of those worlds, “I say these very same words, but I am an error, a phantom” (219). As he does with the fictional editor’s correction of Tsun’s statement on page 212, Borges points out how the words that define one world will always be an error in another.
Borges’s story begins by referring to A History of the World War, a book by English military theorist Captain Liddell Hart. Though injuries ended his military career early and left him with the title Captain, Liddell Hart became known as “the Captain who taught Generals,” as his book Strategy has served as a defining text on military strategy. In a uniquely Borgesian irony, Liddell Hart wrote the work Strategy over a decade after Borges quoted his earlier work and fictionalized it in “The Garden of Forking Paths,” a story that heavily features strategy, gamesmanship, and spycraft.
Early in the narrative, Tsun reports that he has “outwitted” Madden, even though he awaits execution. His 10-minute plan proves “not easy to bring about” (213), but a series of stratagems—taking a cab rather than walking to the train station, buying a ticket for a different destination than his intended stop—all demonstrate Tsun’s cleverness and strategic avoidance of the captain. Madden’s appearance at Albert’s home, despite all of Tsun’s strategy, suggests that destiny catches up to strategy and that any kind of strategy only creates a different set of forking paths that all lead to the same interior of the labyrinth.
Albert speaks to author and labyrinth-maker Ts’ui Pên’s strategy when he asserts, “I do not find it believable that he would waste thirteen years laboring over a never ending experiment in rhetoric” (218). Ts’ui Pên, he argues, frames in his book-labyrinth a model for understanding time; The Garden of Forking Paths, the result of his 13 years of work, serves as a model of the universe. The model may be incomplete, but Ts’ui Pên offers a counter to the Newtonian worldview, one deliberately constructed to mimic Ts’ui Pên’s theory of an infinite set of possible worlds.
Albert ironically uses the game of chess to illustrate the significance of Ts’ui Pên’s omission of the word “time” in his text: “In a guessing game to which the answer is chess, which word is the one prohibited?” (219). When he could have used any word at all to illustrate the structure of such a word game, Albert brings up the name of a game synonymous with strategy: chess. Tsun and Madden play a strategic game, a chess match with high stakes, in “The Garden of Forking Paths.” In this version, neither of them wins.
By Jorge Luis Borges