
57 pages 1 hour read

Marie Benedict

The Mitford Affair

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Important Quotes

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“It is a pattern that has repeated itself since our childhood; she always dazzles at the center, with us sisters fanned out around her like lesser beams. Never mind that the press considers all six of us Mitford sisters the very essence of the so-called Bright Young Things, she is the star.”

(Chapter 1, Pages 1-2)

This quote characterizes Diana’s famous beauty and glamour, and Nancy’s acute sense of this. All of the Mitfords are part of the young, vibrant society group known as the “Bright Young Things.” This passage establishes the rivalry which exists between Nancy and Diana and gives the reader important context about the family’s social milieu and fame.

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“Even amid my five sisters, I’ve always been something of the outsider. With each sister usually paired off or teamed up—in childhood, Jessica with Unity, Pamela with Deborah, and Diana with Tom, like golden twins—I’ve often been alone.”

(Chapter 1, Page 4)

In this passage, Nancy is characterized as the loner of her family. As the eldest, she has had certain responsibilities that her younger siblings haven’t, and she has been the one to be looked up to, not befriended. Thus, Nancy is lonely within her family unit. This characterization is important because it emphasizes Nancy’s strength and self-reliance on her intellect, and her position as a writer, observing the family and their dynamics.

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“There are Londoners right outside the gates on the brink of despair, sharing their disgust with her conspicuous excess in the face of worldwide depression. How dare she and Bryan spend their fortune on meaningless parties and acquisitions while so many struggle and starve with unemployment, they cry.”

(Chapter 2, Pages 7-8)

This passage highlights the luxury of the Mitfords’ lifestyle in a time of national hardship. In particular, Diana’s opulent lifestyle is distasteful even to some in her own set. This early passage is important in establishing Diana’s character and her approach to life, which helps to situate her later political choices: Although fascism was a popular movement and was largely driven by unrest and deprivation among working people, this passage shows that Diana’s fascist beliefs are not driven by a sense of compassion for those less fortunate than herself.

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“Diana has quite enjoyed this dash of subterfuge. How tiring it is to always be the passive, womanly ideal. She wants to feel and live and do, not simply sit and receive admiration, as Bryan was wont to bestow.”

(Chapter 5 , Page 21)

Diana feels she has been objectified and underestimated because of her beauty and the expectations of women of this time period. Her divorce and subsequent relationship with Mosley make her radical and scandalous, a departure from the idealized woman she was before. This quote is representative of how the novel explores cause and effect: Diana makes selfish and amoral choices but perhaps does so out of a desire to break out of the role allotted to her in life.

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“Why do the others not realize that the world is on the precipice of change, that society as they know it will be decimated when that metamorphosis happens? Unity is determined to be at the center of the transformation, leading it and not allowing it to lead her.”

(Chapter 9, Page 38)

Unity believes that she sees something in the future that others don’t, which add to her sense of herself as an outsider. Her feeling that “society as they know it will be decimated” suggests a radicalized sense of adolescent resentment and retribution. This passage suggests that extremist views on fascism stem from a deeply held hope that society will change. This quote also reveals how Unity needs a purpose upon which she can build an identity, and that Unity’s focus is on her ability to feel part of something, rather than on any particular objective.

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“We can’t possibly rely on the whims of the people. They can only be trusted to have freedom within the control of the state.”

(Chapter 9, Page 39)

This quote makes Unity a mouthpiece for a key a tenet of fascism as practiced in the 1930s: The idea that ordinary people can’t be trusted with the responsibility of government immediately puts up a superior hierarchy in place. Unity believes she is naturally of the elite that should rule over others. Thus, this quote highlights Unity’s disdain for other people and how she is swayed and seduced by the idea of power.

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“When I dedicated the novel to Peter, had I done so tongue in cheek? After all, most of the repugnant views on women that Jasper expresses came directly from Peter’s mouth. I feel I’m at a crossroads, but neither path ahead is terribly appealing.”

(Chapter 22, Page 109)

This quote highlights Nancy’s internal conflict. Her marriage, which was supposed to be the ideal form of happiness for a woman, is not good because Peter is not a good husband. But this quote also highlights how rational and thoughtful Nancy is. This is a juxtaposition with her sisters, who dive into their feelings without reflection. Nancy’s rationality, ability to reflect deeply, and intelligence helps her perceive and navigate the compromises she makes in her relationship, helping her to avoid the obsessions which have captured her sisters.

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“Strange that Unity is now leading this charge. Her peculiar little sister has found herself in a position of power through persistence and obsession.”

(Chapter 23, Page 113)

Unity’s rise to power is unexpected because she had always been the outcast of the family, a little awkward and certainly not influential. This quote highlights the juxtaposition of Unity’s surprising character development. This is part of the novel’s treatment of radicalization through Unity’s character: Unity, like Adolf Hitler and many other extremists in history, came to adulthood feeling socially ostracized and lonely.

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“Her cheeks are hot, and she hopes the flush doesn’t make her appear common or unladylike, but demure. The standards for proper Aryan womanhood are exacting.”

(Chapter 24, Page 120)

Despite feeling empowered by her proximity to Hitler, Unity is also held to high expectations of female perfection. This quote highlights both the unfair expectations of women at this time period and the Nazi obsession with perceived “Aryan” perfection. As a woman, Unity is objectified, and her exterior appearance is taken as an equivalent for her inner value and virtue.

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“In the darkened hall, Unity feels the eyes of the girls and their matron upon her, and an unexpected power surges through her. She wraps that feeling of invincibility and importance around her like a cloak. It is the borrowed greatness of the Führer, and she will do whatever is necessary to keep it.”

(Chapter 24, Page 123)

In this quote, Benedict uses the term “borrowed greatness” to highlight that Unity’s burgeoning sense of self and construction of identity is actually a projection onto Hitler and an absorption of Hitler’s version of what a woman’s identity can and should be. Unity, who has long felt like an outsider in her society, has become the popular girl, the enviable girl, and the leader. Thus, the novel shows that, as Unity falls more in love with Hitler, what she’s also truly falling in love with is power, prestige, and personhood.

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“No matter how she feels about M’s insensitivity, she has made too many sacrifices for him and their future together to jettison it all over his temporary selfishness. Diana will win this fight.”

(Chapter 26, Page 135)

Diana and Mosley’s relationship becomes defined by all the sacrifices Diana has made to be with him. Leaving her husband, getting a divorce, and publicly humiliating herself in the process are now sunk costs for Diana. Diana begins this process willingly, but as the years go on and she sees Mosley’s flaws, she can’t turn back because she’s put too much on the line. Admitting that she is wrong about Mosley is more difficult for Diana than dealing with the consequences of doubling down on her mistakes.

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“ʽMuv, we aren’t objecting to Unity’s beliefs. We are concerned about her behavior. Supporting a political movement by casting a vote or even engaging in a protest is very different from moving to a foreign country, pursuing its leader, and then returning home in full fascist regalia with a gun,’ I say, as evenly as I can.”

(Chapter 28, Page 147)

This quote highlights the crucial difference between opinion and obsession. The distance between Unity and Nancy is no longer about political opinion, it’s about behavior that is extreme and uncharacteristic. Here, the novel highlights the dilemma posed between rejecting a loved-one’s views and giving them the support that they need as an individual. Nancy can perceive that Unity’s behavior is a worrying sign which needs the family’s input for Unity’s welfare, whereas her parents, the older generation, are less emotionally or psychologically focused.

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“Rarely do their conversations touch on actual politics—Hitler does not believe that is a woman’s realm—but when they do, she acts the part of an ardent fascist. Even though she doesn’t approach the vehemency of Unity or M, she and Hitler are in perfect accord in wanting peace and unity between Great Britain and Germany.”

(Chapter 32, Pages 164-165)

Ironically, even though Unity and Diana are at the core of shifting politics and influential in the lives of the men who create those shifts, their power and influence are still not appreciated by the very men who benefit from them. Unity may believe that Hitler adores her back, but this quote shows that he doesn’t respect her in the same way that she respects him because of the sexism intertwined in the Nazi Party and fascist beliefs. Diana also has facilitated Mosley’s rise to the top, yet she is dismissed as not being part of politics because she is a woman. Her power is “soft power,” and she knowingly plays this game with the men who are decision-makers.

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“‘Writing is my way of expressing opinions. Women don’t really have many other avenues of having our voices heard,’ I say.”

(Chapter 34, Page 176)

This quote highlights Nancy’s own way of advocating for her autonomy. Unlike Unity and Diana, Nancy doesn’t seek out autonomy through the power of men; instead, she uses the power of writing, her talent, and her intellect to find a way of having her voice heard. This quote is an important reminder of the invisibility of women in the early 20th century, even while they were so instrumental behind-the-scenes. Nancy’s writing is also transgressive for this reason, which gives her family an excuse for seeking to silence her when her opinions diverge with theirs.

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“Sensing my confusion, Winston continues, ‘This is an invitation, Nancy. To help steer the course of the world’s future.’”

(Chapter 34, Page 178)

Winston Churchill’s presence in this novel helps move the plot forward and augments the role that Nancy plays in the course of national history. This quote is a major plot moment because it reveals to Nancy that what’s going on with Unity and Diana is much more serious than she previously suspected. It is also a crucial plot moment because it includes Nancy in the fight for good over evil.

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“I’m moved by the way decisions were made out of a dignified concern for the citizens, including the women. It stands out in stark contrast to the chaotic, insecure grasping for political ideologies prevalent today, where fear of losing financial means is causing common sense and altruism to be lost.”

(Chapter 37, Page 191)

In studying the history of her family legacy, Nancy discovers truths about the way the country used to be. It is a respite for her to escape the political and ideological turbulence of her own century to look back in time. Nancy romanticizes this history as idyllic. This idyllic history emphasizes everything that is wrong with the 1930s. This quote emphasizes the importance of learning about history as a way of understanding the present and moving toward a better future but it may also be a comment on the tendency of each generation to romanticize the past.

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“But how can we criticize Germany for something Great Britain has done repeatedly? In Northern Ireland, in our colonies in India and Africa, to name but a few. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones—didn’t the minister make that reference in today’s sermon?”

(Chapter 38, Page 201)

Diana defends Hitler’s treatment of perceived enemies (political or ethnic) by demonstrating that it’s hypocritical of Britain to criticize Nazi Germany’s imprisonment without trial policy. Diana is right to acknowledge Britain’s brutal colonial history but she does so out of hypocrisy, not out of compassion. She is in fact using Britain’s past actions to shut down criticism of the imperialist, racist, and militaristic plans of Nazi Germany.

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“Why does it feel as though I’ve been given this assignment because I’ve got nothing to lose? No social standing or title. No career of merit. No promising husband. Certainly no children.”

(Chapter 40, Page 209)

Nancy has her own crises of identity around her role and purpose, especially her sadness at not being a mother. As the eldest sister, Nancy has often been positioned as a leader or maternal figure to her younger siblings. No matter how old she gets, it is her responsibility to intervene when a sibling does something scandalous. This quote emphasizes how hands-off and avoidant Nancy’s parents are, as well as the burden Nancy has as the eldest. Nancy sometimes sees her life as a failure, which is why she feels she is being taken advantage of. This is a representative example of Nancy’s self-reflective tendencies which are often critical. In this, she is more relatable than her sisters, especially Diana.

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“The truth is found in the chasm between their opinions on fascism and communism, which is created on the foundation of their own interests and fears. How very personal is the political.”

(Chapter 40, Page 216)

Here, Benedict reveals a larger message of the novel. The Mitford family proves that political attachment, especially political obsession, is personal. For example, Mav and Farve are steadily losing their fortune, making fascist policies seductive. Unity has long felt ostracized by society whereas proximity to Hitler has made her popular and admirable. Diana’s early experience of feminine compliance has made her seek a transgressive path. Thus, political decisions that impact the world are shown to start from conscious or unconscious self-interest.

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“No one has ever regarded her with such admiration and fondness before; certainly not her parents or sisters, who have always seemed to regard her as peculiar or burdensome. Unity will do anything to earn this marvelous adoration from her beloved Führer again.”

(Chapter 48, Page 259)

Unity’s sense of self is shown to be completely wrapped up in Adolf Hitler. Without his attention, she is identity-less. This quote highlights that Unity’s obsessive infatuation with Hitler and with Germany stems directly from an adolescence and childhood feeling inferior to her sisters and unloved. That Unity will do anything to be adored by Hitler is a foreshadowing of her suicide attempt, as her sense of self is shown to be increasingly subsumed by the false narrative she believes.

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“Never mind our squabbles over the years, I love my sisters. But I cannot allow them to inflict their tyrannical views and to take steps to make Great Britain a slave of the Third Reich.”

(Chapter 58, Page 316)

Nancy is forced to choose between loyalty to her family and to her country. Her decision to fight for her country in its greatest time of need highlights the necessary patriotism that helps keep democracy alive. Nancy’s sacrifice, her sisters, doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love her sisters, but Nancy is not ruled by her emotions and can make a moral choice based on reasoning.

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“My rage is replaced by shock. Mosley, fascism, and her intimacy with the Nazis have changed Diana; that I’ve known for some time. But to refuse to take measures to stop your own sister from killing herself? Who is this person masquerading as my sister? What monster has taken hold of Diana?”

(Chapter 62, Page 434)

In this passage, Nancy acknowledges what the reader has already learned: that Diana has spent years furthering her own ambition, no matter what the cost to other people in her life. Diana would rather let Unity die than let go of her ambitions. Diana’s decision to sacrifice Unity to follow her political ideals is an interesting parallel to Nancy’s decision to sacrifice Diana for her own.

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“Sunken, hollow cheeks. Matted, shorn hair. Yellowed teeth. Lifeless, vacant blue eyes that seem incapable of meeting mine. How can this be Unity, my imposing, determined sister? The girl who always knew her mind and adhered to it, even if it led to expulsion from two schools. The debutante who’d never been fearful of embracing her uniqueness, even if it meant bringing a pet rat to a ball.”

(Chapter 64, Page 353)

Unity changes drastically throughout the novel. This quote characterizes her through her downfall; she is no longer the woman she used to be. Tragically, Unity became obsessed with Hitler in part because she long felt rejected by her family: here, Nancy shows that Unity was loveable and loved.

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“Was nothing as it seemed to me? Could the long-standing rivalry that exists between us all and my jealousy over Diana’s easy fertility have permeated my decision? Did a mix of my own childish pettiness and long-harbored familial assumptions and present-day motives fog the lens through which I saw this drama evolve? What role did my hatred of fascism play in my perception? What was fact, and what was fiction?”

(Chapter 70, Page 380)

This passage is representative of the novel’s portrayal of Nancy as deeply self-reflective. It also challenges Benedict’s reader to contemplate the questions Nancy poses. Ultimately, these questions challenge the relationship between fact and fiction in the way we conceive of the world around us, and this is essential to the novel’s overall message.

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“How personal is the political in the end, I think. It turns each one of us into authors of our own histories; we become patriots and heroes and, where necessary, spies and traitors. Which of these, I wonder, am I?”

(Chapter 70, Page 386)

Nancy acknowledges that her version of the events of the story of the Mitford family is different than Unity’s or Diana’s. This quote highlights the ways in which politics can warp the mind and challenge the construction of identity. Politics can get in the way of acknowledging truth, but on the other hand, the truth about politics is that everyone has their own truth. By the end of the novel, Nancy’s question about her own role is prescient. She is in some ways a spy and traitor to her family, but she is also a patriot and a hero. It is possible, in the end, to be all four, depending on perspective.

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